
Masaaki Endoh
1993年ドラムレスのアコースティック・トリオ“STEEPLE JACK(スティープルジャック)” の活動を通じてその歌唱力を評価される。
1997年テレビアニメ『勇者王ガオガイガー』の主題歌「勇者王誕生!」のヒットでアニソン界に旋風を巻き起こし、2000年の“JAM Project”の旗揚げに参加。影山ヒロノブとともに現在もプロジェクトを支えている。
以降、テレビアニメ『遊戯王5D‘s(ファイブディーズ)』第4期OP主題歌「BELIEVE IN NEXUS」、同第5期OP主題歌「明日への道~Going my way!!~」やTVアニメ『殺戮の天使』OP主題歌「Vital」など、様々な主題歌を担当。
2020年、特撮ドラマ『ウルトラマンZ』の主題歌「ご唱和ください 我の名を!」の歌唱・作詞・作曲を担当し話題となる。また、2021年秋から放送がスタートするTVアニメ『サクガン』の歌唱・作詞も担当。その歌唱力をもって数多くのファンを魅了している。
Starts his career in 1993 under the drumless acoustic trio STEEPLE JACK, where his vocal abilities were acclaimed.
1997: Takes the Anisong community by storm with the hit Yuusha-Oh Tanjou! main theme to the TV anime GaoGaiGar. Later, in 2000, he contributed to the launch of JAM PROJECT, which he and Hironobu Kageyama continues to be a part of to this day.
2003: Sings the theme to the 27th addition to the Super Sentai series, Bakuryu Sentai Abaranger, which became the best-selling Super Sentai theme song thus far.
Since then, he has sung the themes songs of various TV anime, including BELIEVE IN NEXUS and Road To Tomorrow ~ Going My Way!, the opening theme songs to the 4th and 5th seasons of Yu-gi-oh 5D respectively, and Vital, opening theme to Angel of Death.
2013: Becomes Miyagi Prefecture Kizuna Ambassador and Ishinomaki City Tourism Ambassador. Since then, he has conducted fan tours to present the charms of Miyagi prefecture and Ishinomaki city.
2020: Writes the lyrics to, composes, and sings Goshowa Kidasai Ware no Na wo! theme song to the Tokusatsu Drama series Ultraman Z.
2021: Writes lyrics to and sings the opening to the TV anime Sakugan.
2022: Releases an album Masaaki Endoh: THE BEST
He continues to capture the hearts of countless fans with his great vocal abilities.